
Additional information (e.g. institutions, itineraria): -"-
Language(s) of text: Latin
Coverage: Early 18th century
Subject: Manuscript of scholastic logic course. There are some ideas close to contemporary logic, much attention is paid to the theories of abstraction, universals and predicaments.
Contact person: Živilė Pabijutaitė
Pages from: 1
Pages to: 200f.
Date: 1700
Library: VUB
Title/incipit: Tyrocinium philosophiae sive instructio et dispositio ad logicam, aliasque scientias vulgo.
Lived from: 1644.VII.24
Lived to: 1714.IV.23
Relevance for project (low 1 - 5 high): 3
Copyright/legal status: To be checked
Signature: F3 - 1014 (also MAB F 41-26)
Physical description: Manuscript
Place: F3 - 1014 (also MAB F 41-26)
Creator(s): Eynarowicz Christophorus Franciscus

Other source informations

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