
Additional information (e.g. institutions, itineraria): Studies: graduate of Vilnius piarists collegium. Professional activity: unknown; published philosophical theses.
Language(s) of text: Latin
Coverage: Second part of the 18th century
Subject: Theses were prepared while finishing philosophy studies and were defended most probably in the piarists collegium in Vilnius. There are the most common views of modern science and philosophy presented and combined with theological issues. There are 30 theses in total: general metaphysical questions (1-4), ontology (5-12), psychology (13-30).
Contact person: Živilė Pabijutaitė
Pages from: 1
Pages to: 34
Library: VUB
Title/incipit: Propositones philosophicas illustrissimo excellentissimo Domino Alexandro Thaddaeo de Krzetuszow Wawrzecki Mareschalco tribunalis aerarij publici M. D. L. Dapifero Braclaviensi, vice-praefecto orsanensi, vexillario loricatae cohortis regii principis friderici nuncupatas publice defendendas exponit facta omnibus argumentandi potestate Anselmus Kamienski de Cler: regul: scholarum piarum philosophiae et matheseos auditor.
Lived from: Uknown
Lived to: Unknown
Relevance for project (low 1 - 5 high): 3
Copyright/legal status: To be checked
Signature: IV - 23229
Physical description: Printed edition
Place: IV - 23229
If book: printing house(s): Vilnae Typis S. R. M. PP. Franciscanorum
Creator(s): Kamienski Anselmus

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